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Category Archives: Employee Retention Strategies

Leaders Are Bridges – Not Fences

The effectiveness of leaders is integral to an Employee’s experience at work. The number one cause of poor morale in a workplace is lack of trust in leadership. This mistrust stems from two sources: 1. Lack of accountability in the workplace and 2. Avoidance behaviors with conflict. Warren Buffet once said, “Trust is like the air that we breathe. When it’s present, nobody really notices it. However, when it’s absent, everybody notices.”

Leaders have 5 key roles to play in any business:

Building bridges

Casting the vision

Humanizing the business

Directing the orchestra

Coaching the team

Bridges are designed to create a connection between two spaces without blocking the path below. The three main parts of a bridge include the foundation, the sub-structure and the super structure. True leadership builds bridges for people, facilitating “connection.” It removes obstacles that may interfere with the path.

Leaders Begin With The Foundation

It starts by explaining the “whys.” Leaders help people understand why there is a policy, a procedure, or a process in place. Or they may help people understand why changing an existing practice is necessary. Providing Employees with a genuine understanding, promotes genuine trust.

The Sub-Structure

Building “bridges” should create connections for people. That means connecting them to the resources they need. Resources can be tools, technology, or even other people. They also resolve conflicts when they occur. When we’re working with people, we’re working with emotions. The source of most conflicts is likely going to be anger, worry or frustration. Leaders work to help “de-fuse” emotions and address the root causes of conflicts. This is done by acknowledging emotions yet addressing behaviors.

The Super Structure

A quality leader will inspire people to reach out to others to ask for help. They lead by example. Asking for someone’s help is a powerful demonstration that you trust them. It shows vulnerability and humility and encourages others to step up and lend a hand. They work to facilitate collaboration and build on the ideas of others.

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Meaningful Ways of Rewarding Others – Find Your $100 Handshake

What’s a $100 handshake?

Meaningfully rewarding others doesn’t have to be complicated. A while ago, I listened to a podcast called “The Leading Creative.” The author mentioned the importance of rewarding people in ways that actually matter to THEM; as an individual. He told a story about a sales manager who gave “$100 handshakes” to his sales team members for a job well done. Literally… he’d fold up a $100 bill into a small square and place it in the cup of his hand. As the manager shook the salesperson’s hand, the bill would be passed to the salesperson. Now, many sales people are money-minded. Getting a cool, crisp $100 bill might really resonate with them. But, is money equally motivating to everyone?

Rewarding others – How to know what’s meaningful?

Listen to what a person talks about, stories about how they spend their free time. Pay attention to what gets someone excited when they’re speaking. Then, find a creative way of rewarding others with that special “thing!” For example, if someone is always talking about golf, then paying for a round of golf for them might be a “hole in one!” If they’re always talking about coffee, a gift card to a local coffee shop might really “buzz” with them

What is my equivalent “$100 Handshake?”

It got me thinking about what my “$100 Handshake” would be… It quickly came to me: receiving a Disney gift card. My family goes to Disney 2-3 times per year, it’s “our thing.” We’re always talking about Disney trips (past and future) and things that we love about it.

One day, I agreed to be a guest speaker at a business networking meeting. Afterwards, the event coordinator thanked me for my great work and passed along a thank you note. Inside the note I found a Disney gift card enclosed! I was over the moon! The fact that someone had paid attention to my passions and knew how much this gift would mean to me touched my heart.

When rewarding others – small, personalized recognition really matters.

In today’s world, it seems that the details about a person can get overlooked. Take a moment to listen – people will clue you in to what they find meaningful. Successfully rewarding others just takes paying attention and finding a way to personalize the reward. It’s so easy to do, and its impact is longer-lasting than you may realize.

Want help finding creative ways of rewarding others at work? Or help with Employee Retention Strategies in general?
