Leaders have 5 key roles to play in any business:

Building bridges

Casting the vision

Humanizing the business

Directing the orchestra

Coaching the team

There are 2 things that really matter when it comes to Leadership:

  1. Ensuring the needs of the business are met
  2. Ensuring the needs to the people are met

Both are important, but not necessarily in that order…

Taking care of the needs that the people have is of utmost importance. When the needs of the people are met (things such as being respected, listened-to, treated fairly, held accountable, given opportunities), people will, in turn, take care of the needs of the business.

Many times we see Managers who will prioritize (at the expense of the people) activities that help make a profit for the Company. While making a profit is important, doing so at the expense of the welfare of the team is extremely short-sighted leadership. Think about it this way…have you ever been too busy driving that you can’t stop to fill up your tank with gas? Neglected long enough, you will find that your car will no longer run. The same is true of people.

The Goose and the Golden Eggs

An old Aesop’s fable tells the story of a poor farmer who had a small farm with only a few animals to tend. The farmer and his wife lived hand-to-mouth, and struggled making a living. One day, as an answer to a prayer, the farmer found a golden egg resting in the nest of his favorite goose. Thinking it was a prank, he was prepared to toss it away; but he decided to take it to market to have it tested. Much to his surprise, it was the real deal – a 14 karat solid gold egg! He immediately cashed it in, and brought home a bag full of coins to show to his wife. They were so grateful for this windfall!

The next day, he checked the nest, and he was delighted to see another gold egg. He immediately rushed to market and cashed it in and brought home another bag of coins. The next day, another egg, and more coins. Day after day, he found a single egg in the nest and every day he took it to market – growing gradually wealthier and wealthier. However, he grew impatient having to wait each day for one egg at a time. His impatience got the better of him, and he took the goose (the producer of the golden eggs) and lopped off its neck and reached inside of the goose to retrieve all of the eggs at one time – only, instead of getting golden eggs, he got goose guts!

Out of greed and avarice, he killed his producer and lost his blessing in the process.

The Lesson

Prioritizing taking care of the needs of the people helps to better serve the organization as a whole. With the right people on the team, fulfilled and contributing at their best, the organization is far more blessed. However, squeezing every little “drop of life” out of them will lead to losing them to better companies.

I once read a dentist marquis that read, “If you ignore your teeth, they’ll go away.” Well, so will your best employees when their needs aren’t prioritized. It’s a Leader’s job to keep “humanity” in the business – and be in the business of taking care of the Company’s “human” resources every day.

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